

  1. 松居彩, 内藤尚道、「組織恒常性維持における血管の新たな役割」、炎症と免疫(先端医学社)1月号, 2023
  2. Wakabayashi T.*& Naito H.*, “Cellular heterogeneity and stem cells of vascular endothelial cells in blood vessel formation and homeostasis: Insights from single-cell RNA sequencing”, Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 11:1146399 (2023) (Review)

  3. Jing Z., Iba T., Naito H., Xu P.,Morishige J., Nagata N., Okubo H. & Ando H.*, "L-carnitine prevents lenvatinib-induced muscle toxicity without impairment of the anti-angiogenic efficacy", Front. Pharmacol. 14:1182788  (2023)

  4. 清水奨太, 内藤尚道, 高倉伸幸、「血管内皮細胞培養法」、細胞培養・細胞培養の技術(第4版)(朝倉書店), 2023年

  5. Shimizu S., Iba T., Naito H., Rahmawati F., Konishi H., Jia W., Muramatsu F., Takakura N.*, "Aging impairs the ability of vascular endothelial stem cells to generate endothelial cells in mice", Angiogenesis (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10456-023-09891-8

  6. Rahmawati F., Iba T., Naito H., Simizu S., Konishi H., Jia W., Takakura N.* "Single-cell sequencing reveals the existance of fetal vascular endothelial stem-like cells in the mouse liver", Stem Cell Research & Therapy 14:227, (2023

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  8. 松居彩, 内藤尚道、第2章 線維化(症)を担うプレーヤー「血管内皮細胞」、もっとよくわかる!線維化と疾患(羊土社), 2023

  9. Tsumita T1., Takeda R1., Maishi N., Hida Y., Sasaki M., Orba Y., Sato A.,  Toba S., Ito W., Teshirogi T, Sakurai Y., Iba T., Naito H., Ando H., Watanabe H., Mizuno A., Nakanishi T., Matsuda A., Zixiao R., Lee J., Iimura T, Sawa H.*, Hida K.* "Viral uptake and pathophysiology of the lung endothelial cells in age-associated severe SARS-CoV-2 infection models", Aging Cell, https://doi.org/10.1111/acel.14050, in press